Billie B2B Self Sign Up
The project where I learned the most
About Billie
Billie is a B2B fintech based in Berlin. The onboarding of customers went always through sales. We believed a more cost effective opportunity was a self sign up.
My Role
I drove and lead the project incl. discovery, research and design within my cross-functional team. I was supported by our director of product and our sales team on internal insights.
Summer 2023
Why create a self sign up?
Some background
Changing our onboarding flow from a hand held sales onboarding to a self sign up was based on the potential we saw. I had calculated and conducted insights that led us to believe that changing the flow would enable more business growth. Little did we know, our business goals would change.
50% less clicks
By removing complexity, that provides little to no benefit we were able to focus and give more clarity to the important steps.
60% less input fields
We simplified the information required to onboard by really digging deep and questioning what is needed and what is nice to have.
5hrs less Sales
We estimated to safe approx. 5 hours per merchant by removing onboarding support tasks from sales and placing the information in the onboarding materials instead.
Let’s a/b test our assumption
Current landing page (no self sign up)
Test landing page (with self sign up)
Surprising test results
We created a temporary landing page with a direct self sign up option and pushed it out to a percentage of potential customers. We were able to replicate a seemingly automated onboarding experience by painful manual efforts in the background. Painful, but worth the learnings.
300% higher conversion
More people who entered the dedicated landing page for a self sign up converted than on our normal website landing
30% time wasted
The most interesting thing we learned was the amount of clunky, slow internal processes we uncovered. Our tracking revealed the lack of automation during onboarding leading to heavy delays and therefore slower sales.
New breaking points
Even though there was little support requests on the onboarding steps, we did identify the highest friction points: signatory- and self identification.
So we reworked internal processes
And introduced a facelift with 50% Less clicks
Sneak peak into Figma
Based on what we learned, we began editing our flow around the biggest friction points. At the same time, we had worked on a new design system and experimented with new visual components.